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Quality During Design Podcast Blog

Listen, access bonuses, and find inspiration.

After the ‘Storm: Compare and Prioritize Ideas

We’ve gotten lots of ideas from our brainstorming session. We talk about Quality tools to compare ideas: paired comparison and more.

After the ‘Storm: Pareto Voting and Screening Methods

urgent/important matrix

We’ve gotten lots of ideas from our brainstorming session. We talk about Quality tools to reduce ideas.

After the ‘Storm: Group and Explore Ideas

We’ve gotten lots of ideas from our brainstorming session. We talk about Quality tools to group and explore them more.

Product Design with Brainstorming, with Emily Haidemenos (A Chat with Cross Functional Experts)

Emily Haidemenos and Dianna Deeney talk about Product Design with Brainstorming: best practices and successes with it in product development.

Ways to Gather Ideas with a Team

Gathering a team to come up with ideas is common. We talk about systematic and structured methods and new approaches to brainstorming.

The Spirits of Technical Writing Past, Present, and Future

We explore the spirits of technical writing past, present, and future. We explore how and why they help us to write for ALL of our audiences.