After the ‘Storm: Pareto Voting and Screening Methods

We're in our 4th episode into our series about generating ideas with our team toward actionThe first two episodes were all about idea generation. The 3rd was about grouping and exploring ideas.

We’re still considering that we're just after brainstorming, at the point where we have many ideas and no next steps.

Let's instead screen our ideas so we can move toward action. We explore these Quality Tools and how to use them after a brainstorming or other idea-generating team activity: 

  • 2x2 chart
  • Systematic list reduction
  • Multivoting or Pareto Voting

Reminders when evaluating ideas with a team

We need to Mind our Mindset

Recognize that it's difficult to evaluate ideas from a brainstorming activity into actions for next steps.

We're handling ideas systematically with our team to get the maximum benefit from our creative phase.

We want to control our itch for a quick decision on the best idea - to do so would ruin our efforts toward creativity and innovative ideas.


We aren't looking to eliminate ideas. We're looking to develop them to the best solution we think there could be.


Yes, we approach activities with the  spirit of developing creative ideas.
We say things like, “That’s a great idea, what can we do to make it work?" or "What is it about this idea we can use?” 

No, we don't want to just eliminate ideas. We try to avoid first jumping to say things like, "That’s a great idea, but here’s why it won’t work.” 

Discussing Ideas

We’d like consensus on a clear option, which is that place where everyone supports the decision, even if it wasn’t their first choice. 

We discuss to clarify ideas. If it’s not clear, then let’s make sure that everyone understands the information about some ideas. We don’t need to pressure anyone to change votes, but we do need to ensure we’re all voting on the same idea, or the same understanding of an idea. 

Is there a Decider? Then get them involved!

Screen Ideas

2x2 Chart

We can get a quick comparison with a 2x2 chart, using 2 criteria.

  • Time vs. impact 
  • Value vs. effort 
  • Risk vs. reward 

urgent/important matrix

Multivoting or Pareto Voting

We’re judging ideas by ranking them instead of using “majority rules”.

How many votes does each member get? Try using the Pareto Principle to decide.

Other Quality during Design podcast episodes you might like:

Using the Pareto Principle and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Visit for another overview of multivoting:

"What is Multivoting?" ASQ, Accessed 10 Jan 2023.