Why Yield Quality in the Front-End of Product Development

During the product development process, are there so many design prototypes but the team's still not getting buy-in? 

Are design concepts changing mid-development after it's "too late" to change the design?  

Are designs picked-apart only after they're nearly done? 

Late in development, are there many fires to fight with too many surprises at test? 

Quality during Design is not about compliance activities. It’s about being proactive with our team in early development. And knowing how to have conversations that gets us what we need so we can engineer designs. 

We explore why Quality can help us PRUNE the development process just by the nature of how it's used.
And we highlight the 3 areas that we focus on in Quality during Design: risk-based decisions, quality and reliability engineering partnership, and the user's process.


We can find Quality at the back-end of product creation, where it's used for compliance.

We want to pick up some of it and move it to the front-end, where design decisions are happening.

It's there that we can yield it like a tool to work with our cross-functional team, to help us do the engineering work that's important for great designs.

More about the Quality during Design Journey

QDD Journey


Other Quality during Design podcast episodes you might like:

Quality as a Strategic Asset vs. Quality as a Control


More about the PRUNE strategy:

Quality during Design Framework: PRUNE - Quality During Design


The driving forces behind Quality during Design:

First time here? - Quality During Design


Other podcasts on Accendo Reliability and reliability.fm.

Reliability.fm The Reliability Engineering Podcast Network (accendoreliability.com)