Driving Effective Conversations-Taking the Lead in Working Meetings

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As a product designer, you need design inputs. Many of us have communication problems with our cross-functional teams about product ideas which then morph into product development problems later.

What can happen when we are taking the lead in working meetings, to get the information we need for design?

In this episode, we unravel the importance of communication and self-advocacy in the realm of product design. In our chat, we share how to take the lead in working meetings with cross-functional teams to get design inputs. Learn the art of preparation, involvement, maintaining an open mind, and making the most of the knowledge gained.

Let's dig into the power of active communication and how it can not only resolve issues but also enhance outcomes for all parties involved. This episode is a unique blend of design engineering, self-advocacy, and quality during the design process. Tune in, absorb, and apply these insights to your professional journey.

We start the episode with a story that illustrates the necessity of effective communication and self-advocacy. Just as the person in our story needs to communicate her problem to get help, product designers need to effectively communicate with their cross-functional teams to overcome design challenges. Preparation, involvement, maintaining an open mind, and making the most of gained knowledge are essential in this process.

Cross-functional teamwork plays a crucial role in design engineering. Each member of the team, from the design engineer to the quality analyst, brings a unique perspective and skill set to the table. As such, fostering a healthy communication environment within the team can lead to better design inputs, improved problem-solving capabilities, and ultimately, a better end product.

Design engineers must learn to self-advocate, viewing their cross-functional teammates as internal customers to the design, and actively seek their input. It’s not enough to wait for feedback or hope someone will notice a problem. Designers must proactively seek input, communicate their needs, and advocate for themselves and their designs. This proactive approach can lead to more efficient problem-solving, improved designs, and ultimately, a better end product.

By incorporating these principles into their workflow, designers can work more effectively with their teams, better understand their customers' needs, and ultimately, create better products. The world of design engineering awaits your unique contributions!

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