Discrete Data vs. Continuous Data

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Once we've decided to control something (think of our prevention and detection controls), we then need to decide how to measure it. Different controls may need different measuring requirements, which can give us discrete or continuous data.

We treat these data types differently when collecting it, determining sample sizes, and analyzing it for results. Tune-in to learn more about how to take the next step in defining controls: figuring out how to measure it and considering the data.

When we're creating design specifications, we're thinking how it links back to our controls. And we think forward to how someone is going to measure it.

No matter which method that we choose to collect data, we need to verify that the controls are judged or measured consistently, that equipment and tools are capable with the correct level of significance, and - if it's a qualitative measure - different people will come to the same conclusion. 

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Designing Specs for QA

Discrete vs. Continuous Data Venn Diagram

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warehouse worker Warehouse worker photo created by aleksandarlittlewolf - www.freepik.com
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