Get Unstuck: Expand and Contract Our Problem

We can get stuck when trying to discover a solution to a problem.

We talk about a Nine Windows tool and TRIZ - more thought-provoking methods that we can use to expand and contract our problem to get unstuck and move on to the next step.

Nine Windows

Use the Nine Windows tool to expand and contract the problem to explore other ways to solve it. Start at the center with "1. Problem Statement". Then, move to the future-state of the system with "2. Future Goal". Work with your team to fill-in the rest of the windows.

nine windows

TRIZ = Theory of Inventive Thinking

General principles: 

  1. Someone's done it before, even if it’s in a different industry. 
  2. New ideas are usually based on some technology that was developed in a different industry in a new way. Innovative solutions overcame a trade-off between two things that contradicted each other (e.g., faster melt time vs. lower temperature of device).

Center for the Transformation of Work

This group has a searchable directory of marketplaces that are built to cross-pollinate industries with innovative ideas.

Check it out! Maybe you'll solve the next problem (and get paid to do it!).

Systematic Inventive Thinking

A previous QDD episode that talks about Systematic Inventive Thinking:

Need to innovate? Stop brainstorming and try a systematic approach.

Further Explore: a case study of TRIZ

Stamatopoulos, Konstantinos, et. al. “Making the Case for Quality: Innovating Social Media Marketing Strategy via TRIZ Approach.” November 2017.

It’s open access, meaning that you can sign in for a free ASQ account to download the article.