Always Plot the Data

We don't just rely on the numbers - we always plot the data!

We review how we use plots to look past the numbers, and to be aware of common gotchas!

Plots are an important tool for all engineers to better understand data.

Whether it's discrete or continuous data, we can plot it.

Initial plots give us clues to what's happening behind the data. It may start a breadcrumb trail for us to investigate, to learn more about our product and maximize our test results.

Things to watch out for:

  • Outliers (Don't delete them! Investigate them.)
  • Nature of our Data vs. Mathematical Model Assumptions (Our data may not be appropriate for the equations used to generate that plot.)
  • Comparing Like with Like (Make sure different plots have the same zero and axes range/limit.)

When you get data, just try one plot to start. Choose one that you think will help you. If it doesn't help you, try a different one! Know that you can keep digging with different plots to learn all you can from the data.

Related, previous QDD episodes:
How to Handle Competing Failure Modes - Quality During Design

Discrete Data vs. Continuous Data - Quality During Design


More about Dr. Wayne Nelson


For great examples of effective plots and charts: Our World in Data